Saturday, November 30, 2013

Back by popular demand...?

So I used to blog.
Like a lot.

I had a pretty decent fan base, if you'll allow me to brag for a moment. If you can call them "fans," anyway. Actually, I wouldn't so much call them "fans" as "people I know on Facebook who read a link I shared and told me I was funny."

And then I had a kid.
And stopped having time.

I attempted to start a blog when my son was roughly a month old. I think I got two posts in and then he developed colic.
Fuck colic.

I wanted to keep track of memories, milestones, and all the amusing happenings that go on with my child, but I don't think I fully prepared myself for the amount of time and energy this tiny little helpless human being would require.
He's seven months old and I'm just now finding myself able to sit down and do this, and that's only because he's spending the night with my mother-in-law. Otherwise, I'd be sitting here (and that's even if I'd decided I wanted to attempt it with him anywhere near me) fighting an infant over the keyboard and losing. The speed in which he can grab something (anything) and get it into his mouth is astounding to me.

So I figured I'd give this a go tonight because I've ingested three or four Bud Lights (and that makes me chatty) and because I'd like to try to keep track of things that happen in my life (and also because my husband just dropped an unmentionable amount of money on a new computer and I like the way the keyboard is all clicky and professional sounding). I used to blog about my life with my husband, my best friend, and my cats.

Now it's the mom life, m'effers.

Don't get me wrong - I'm sure at some point in time there will be entries regarding things other than poop, snot, and vomit (LIKE CATS), but hey. Motherhood more or less consumes me. I'm a stay at home mom who spends 98% of my waking hours with my kid. What the hell else is there to write about?

But FEAR NOT - he is amusing and is constantly giving me something to talk about. Like the fact that it doesn't matter what kind of diaper I put on him, we are both covered in poop at least twice a day.
See? That makes for interesting conversation, right?
Maybe not.
BUT STILL. I'll try my hardest to be entertaining. Promise.

If all else fails, I'll just show you pictures of him.


And, just for old times' sake, here's a picture of a kitten.

You're welcome.